Bret Harte Outcasts Of Poker Flat Summary

Purity and Innocence

  1. Outcast Of Poker Flat Characters
  2. Outcasts Of Poker Flat Summary
  3. The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

Because the story's premise is the exile of several townspeople from Poker Flat, the line between innocence and guilt is built into the plot from the beginning. Referring to the town's disapproval of prostitution, the narrator says, 'it was only in such easily established standards of evil that Poker Flat ventured to sit in judgment.' In this way, Poker Flat draws a sharp line delimiting that which is conventionally or legally prohibited, whereas the story's narrator makes room for ambiguity as it relates to good and evil. The theme of hidden innocence is particularly embodied by Tom Simson, referred to as 'the Innocent,' and his bride, Piney Woods, both of whom are categorically innocent people blending with those whom society has termed guilty. Although Uncle Billy proves Poker Flat's judgment right by taking advantage of his fellow exiles, others in the party sacrifice themselves for the good of the group (Mother Shipton), a gesture that alludes to Christ's crucifixion, which is similarly in tune with notions of innocence and purity. The relentless snow that plagues the group likewise provides the symbolic space for the characters to be cleansed and purified. Ultimately, the citizens of Poker Flat must confront their own guilt when they discover the frozen remains of the exiled party in the mountains.

The story 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat' by Bret Harte represented the Wild West. The characters of the story are the gambler, fallen ladies and the local drunk. They were exiled from the town Poker Flat, and they met their fate together. One writer, Bret Harte, wrote about this in the 1800s. One of his short stories, “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” deals with changing stereotypes. The short story begins when the “bad” people are kicked out of a mining town called Poker Flat.

Chance, Luck, and Fate

Luck is a looming presence in the story, as the name 'Poker Flat' refers to a card game in which luck is key. Of course, John Oakhurst is himself a gambler who depends on luck and chance for his living. Ultimately, however, he resigns himself to the notion that luck is fickle and 'bound to change,' leaving the deuce of clubs to serve as his tombstone after killing himself. Embedded in the story's treatment of chance, luck, and fate, however, is the question of human agency. Although the party is exiled, they believe they'll make it to Sandy Bar until Uncle Billy steals their mules. Both Mother Shipton and John Oakhurst likewise demonstrate their own agency in controlling their fate by taking their own lives. On the other hand, the events of the story are strongly influenced by the relentless snow, a force of nature outside the realm of human agency and seemingly determining each character's fate.


Religion is introduced at the start of the story when John Oakhurst notices a 'Sabbath lull' in the air, which he interprets as a sign of his impending exile. Later, Tom Simson prompts the group to sing, 'I'm proud to live in the service of the Lord, And I'm bound to die in His army,' foreshadowing their eventual deaths. A powerful symbol of God's presence is the snow that falls throughout the group's stay in the mountains, as it both symbolizes a spiritual cleansing of the exiles and dooms them to die in each other's arms.

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Outcast Of Poker Flat Characters

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Why do people judge others by stereotypes? This seems to be a problem from the beginning of mankind. Sometimes, the behaviors of people are good topics for writers. One writer, Bret Harte, wrote about this in the 1800s. One of his short stories, “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” deals with changing stereotypes. The short story begins when the “bad” people are kicked out of a mining town called Poker Flat. The people of the town were not really good people, but they judge the others and banished them. Although the archetypal characters are typical, by the end of the story, they have changed.


The hero of the story is Mr. Oakhurst, a gambler. Throughout the story, he displays the typical characteristics of a “hero”, and is always cool, calm and collected. When the “bad” people of Poker Flat are kicked out of town, Mr. Oakhurst takes the role of the leader and protector of the group, which leads readers to believe that he will be the one to save them all and lead them to salvation. Mr. Oakhurst also, at several points, reveals himself to be more of a gentleman than his purpose would suggest.

This is seen in the times when he does not abandon the group when he most likely should, or when he gives Tom Stinson back the money he had won from him. However, although Oakhurst has the stereotypical traits of the “good gambler” and a brave man, the irony is seen when he keeps himself from being a true stereotype by committing suicide. This proves Mr. Oakhurst to be an ultimately weak character in the sense that he kills himself because he can not bear the pain of freezing to death or failing everybody in the group.

The note he leaves behind indicates his life as a gambler and way of thinking in addition to his views on luck and fate. Duchess, a prostitute, is another one of the four individuals expelled from Poker Flat. Throughout the story she is seen as very whiny, annoying and “loose”. As the group of outcasts make their way to Sandy Bar, she complains constantly, and ends up to be the cause of the group to stop short of their destination. Her non stop complaining and whining lead readers to believe that she will most likely be alone by the end of the story.

The irony in this is found when Mr. Oakhurst kisses her before leaving with Tom, and she is left with Piney Woods. The Duchess ends up to be one of the last survivors of the group along with Piney. When the last blizzard hits and blows out the fire, the Duchess and Piney cling to each other for warmth. She ends up dying in the arms of Piney Woods, her last words asking if Piney can pray. This last question invalidates her stereotype of being unholy, and makes her a stronger character than what she was seen as in the beginning.

Outcasts Of Poker Flat Summary

In another case, Piney Woods is seen as a prime example of the stereotypical “Innocent” of the story with her naivety, ingenuousness, and even sleeping habits. She is young and the new wife of Tom Stinson. Throughout the story, her innocence is best seen through her naivety, in cases where she does not question the morals or character of the other women in the group, or when she insists on staying the night with the group. Piney’s innocence leads readers to believe that her character is weak, and that she will not end up to outlive the rest of the group.

The character of Piney starts to develop after Uncle Billy steals the horses, and Piney takes everybody’s mind off of it and draws the women in with her laughing and chattering. Finally, after Tom and Oakhurst both leave near the end of their journey, Piney and the Duchess are the only two left alive. Piney breaks free of her stereotype when the blizzard comes again. The two women put their arms around each other in a last-ditch effort of survival when the fire goes out.

The irony occurs when Piney shows to be the strongest during both of their demise, when the Duchess asks her if she can pray and she replies with “no”. She then proceeds to cradle the Duchess against her chest as they both die together. These actions refute both her innocent stereotype, and the notion that she is nothing more than a weak and childish character. The characters in “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” have stereotypes, but they change throughout the story. Perhaps Bret Harte Wrote his story to remind people not to prejudge others.

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

Mr. Oakhurst appeared to be a strong leader and the hero of the story, but turned out to be the weakest of the outcasts, his understanding of their situation having encouraged his self-sacrifice. The Duchess was first seen as a hysterical and whiny addition to the group, but in the end showed to want nothing more than forgiveness. The most surprising change of character was the innocent of the story, Piney Woods. At first she was looked upon as a giggly, inexperienced young girl, but by the end of the story, she showed more strength and maturity than most others of the group by supporting and holding the last to die.